PAAC on SEAC Effective Practices Handbook for SEAC Members
Guide des pratiques efficaces à l’intention des membres des CCED

PAAC, and its member organizations, encourage valuable partnerships among trustees, educators, voluntary associations and parents.

What’s New

Purpose of a Special Education Advisory Committee

Roles and Responsibilities

Meeting Process

The Provincial Parent Association Advisory Committee on Special Education Advisory Committees (PAAC on SEAC) was established in 1983 and is the only group in Ontario that brings together provincial parent associations to communicate and co-operate on issues pertaining to SEACs. Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) are set up by each Board of Education under Regulation 464/97 to:

  • make recommendations to the board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the board;
  • participate in the board’s annual review of its special education plan;
  • participate in the board’s annual budget process as it relates to special education;
  • review the financial statements of the board as they relate to special education;
  • provide information to parents, as requested.

PAAC, and its member organizations, encourage valuable partnerships among trustees, educators, voluntary associations and parents. PAAC on SEAC members have been working closely to improve SEAC effectiveness and communication, and to assist Ontario’s students with special education needs through our shared advocacy. PAAC on SEAC has an extensive communication network, through which our member associations can reach SEAC members in a majority of the province’s school boards. The provincial parent associations and their representatives are valuable resources not only to each other and to SEACs but also to the Ministry of Education, school board officials, service providers, parents and the community at large. PAAC on SEAC meets about 8 times per year. We receive updates from the Ministry of Education concerning changes in government policies and programs and we provide feedback about implications relating to SEAC members.PAAC members have conducted provincial surveys of SEAC membership, practices and training needs, and have created and distributed:

Regular updates on topical issues concerning SEAC roles and contributions

PAAC on SEAC currently has 16 member provincial parent associations and invites other provincial parent associations that support SEAC members to join.
Click here to read PAAC on SEAC Terms of Reference

To find out more, please contact the Chair, Janice Balfour, at:

Written correspondence may be directed to: PAAC on SEAC c/o Easter Seals Ontario, One Concorde Gate, Suite 700, Toronto, M3C 3N6