Terms of Reference

(Revised October 16, 2015)


The Provincial Parent Associations Advisory Committee on Special Education Advisory Committees (PAAC on SEAC) was established in 1983 to provide a forum for parent associations, whose members are eligible to sit on SEAC, to share ideas, compare strategies and address common concerns related to SEACs across the province. The provincial parent associations and their representatives are valuable resources not only to each other and to SEACs but also to the Ministry of Education, school board officials, education and service providers, parents and the community at large.


All Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Members and Alternates have access to the information, training and resources they need to be effective and provide quality advice to school board Trustees and administration with respect to any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the board

PAAC on SEAC Mission

To maintain a network of provincial parent associations or organization that can share information and resources to support the roles and responsibilities of SEAC Members and alternates who are affiliated with local associations.


  1. To bring together representatives from provincial parent associations and associations, that support local association members of school board Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC), to share information about special education and effective practices to support SEAC members.
  2. To meet regularly with representatives from the Ministry of Education regarding initiatives, policy, programs and services, that may impact the roles and responsibilities of SEAC Members.
  3. To work collaboratively and identify common issues to improve support for SEAC members
  4. To share information and resources that each member of PAAC on SEAC can distribute to SEAC Members.
  5. To collect information from local association SEAC Members, through PAAC on SEAC members, regarding effective practices and challenges.


  • Members of PAAC on SEAC are the provincial association or organization that furthers the interests of one or more groups of students that have special education needs and support SEAC members, as per Regulation 464/98
  • Each association or organization member may nominate a representative and alternate to attend PAAC on SEAC meetings and act as the organization contacts.
  • Applications to join PAAC on SEAC and to nominate representatives are to be sent to the attention of the PAAC on SEAC Chair (s).

Member Association Responsibilities:

  1. To nominate and support their representative and alternate to participate in PAAC on SEAC activities and attend at meetings in person or by phone annually
  2. To provide their representative a means to connect with local association SEAC Members and Alternates
  3. To provide other resources as may be deemed as necessary from time to time to support the work of PAAC on SEAC. This may include meeting space, printing or copying, or a cash contribution.

Representative Responsibilities:

  1. To keep their contact information up to date through the Secretary
  2. To read any e-mails or documents related to the activities of PAAC on SEAC
  3. To respond in a timely manner to requests for input, information or resources, and in setting meeting dates and times
  4. To attend at least half of PAAC on SEAC meetings between September and June either in person or by telephone
  5. To contribute information and advice as required for the activities of PAAC on SEAC
  6. To report on a regular basis the activities of PAAC on SEAC to the Member organization
  7. To provide input to the Chair and Executive on items for inclusion in future meeting Agendas.

Affiliate Members

  1. Receives information from PAAC on SEAC and does not send a representative to meetings or participate in all activities
  2. Organization name will be included on PAAC on SEAC materials as an Affiliate Member


  • PAAC on SEAC members will meet approximately bi-monthly in the school year Meetings are currently held at the Ministry of Education Toronto Regional Office, but location may change with the agreement of members.
  • Meetings will include an option to participate by phone
  • Meetings are set at the convenience of members
  • Quorum for meetings is attendance by half of Association members

Officer and Leadership Responsibilities:

PAAC on SEAC members work collaboratively and the leadership team responsibilities have been developed to support a collaborative leadership model.

  1. The role of the Officers is to facilitate meetings and communication among members.
  2. The officer positions include Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and Past Chair.
  3. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be selected for a period of two years, with each person to serve a maximum of two terms in any position. Elections will take place in June and positions to be effective by September 1st of that year.
  4. The terms of the Co-Chairs will be for three years, with a maximum of two terms. For succession planning purposes, the terms of each Co-Chair will start in different years, with election for the Senior Co-Chair for one year starting in June 2012.
  5. The Past Chair position will be created when the first senior Co-Chair completes their term.

The responsibilities for each position include:

  1. To be responsible to convene the meetings and ensure that meetings proceed in an orderly manner
  2. To ensure that notice of meetings, and relevant documents are provided to member representatives in a timely manner
  3. To set and distribute the Agenda based on input from member representatives regarding future agenda items and new or emerging issues in special education
  4. To be responsible for booking meeting venues
  5. To act as the main liaison with the representative(s) from the Ministry of Education.

b. Secretary:

  1. To be responsible for documentation of PAAC on SEAC meetings, including the taking and preparation of meeting Minutes or delegation of responsibility to another member representative on a rotating basis
  2. To maintain an up to date list of Member representatives and their contact information
  3. To store or keep safe the records of PAAC on SEAC activities, including meeting Agenda’s and Minutes, Correspondence, reports or submissions

c. Treasurer:

  1. To be responsible for any funds contributed or spent on behalf of PAAC on SEAC
  2. To provide regular reports on the finances of the Committee

d. Past Chair:

  1. To assist the Chair and other officers as requested